Submit Your Demo

Your new track or album is ready and you want to share it with the world. Of course you can use various self-services, but if you’d rather release your masterpiece with a record label with years of experience and expertise, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for the best way to get in touch with us

A few honest words at the beginning

Our A&R team works closely with our artists to guarantee long-term success. Unfortunately, there is not much time to listen to new music from unknown artists as we would like to. That’s why we have developed a set of rules that help us to keep an ear out for your music.

Don’t Do

Please do not send your demos by email, but use the form at the bottom of the page. This way your song will find its way to the right ears. Our metalheads don’t want to have to rate technobeats
Do not send us any audio files. Please use Soundcloud and Co and send us the corresponding link. Nothing is worse than annoying the A&R manager because the storage space is exhausted.
Please do not submit unfinished works. The A&R manager must be able to correctly assess the potential of your masterpiece; for this, the material must be completely finished and preferably already mastered.
Do not submit bootlegs or mash-ups. Legal clarification must have been obtained beforehand, otherwise we will unfortunately have to reject your hit.


We have to repeat – do not send us your audio as a WAV or MP3 file via mail – use the form at the end and send us a private SoundCloud link. And don’t worry about empty fields, this is not an exclusion criterion… PERFECT!
Write us a short introduction – no novels please.
Who are you
What have you already done
Your music style
Why your masterpiece suits us
Last but not least – a matter of course: friendly and polite interaction is firmly anchored in the DNA of ZYX. We also expect this naturalness from our artists. This is the only way we can function as a team. Rude, abusive or even hurtful behaviour will NOT be tolerated in any way.